Thursday, March 20, 2014

You no dey hear Word?


Revelations 2:29
He that hath an ear, let him hear what the spirit saith unto the churches (KJV)
Anyone who is willing to hear should listen to the Spirit and understand what the Spirit is saying to the churches. (NLT)

Proverbs 4:20
My Son, attend to my words; incline thy ear to my sayings (KJV)

Pay attention, my child, to what I say. Listen carefully. (NLT)

God always speaks. He’s a speaking God. We are his off springs. He likes to communicate with us.   When we pray, it ought to be a two way conversation. When we communicate our thoughts to God in prayers, we ought to leave room for him to speak. He speaks, he always does, he always wants to. But do we hear what he says even though we claim we are listening.  Do we hear with our inner ear? Do we wait to hear all he needs to say to us at that particular moment and do we hear to act on what he has said?

Don’t know how to receive?
God hears our prayers and answers them. He answers when we go to him petitioning according to his will, the thoughts he has put in our hearts. These thoughts which are consistent with his word are the answers to our request. This is our material in the now -the answers to our prayers. We are to hold on to it, keep it in mind, put it in our heart, and say it with our mouth till it’s immersed in our spirit. That’s the receiving process.   Also we are to look out for it’s manifestation in the physical. It will come to us, it will be in our reach, and it will be around us eventually. It’s our answer, our opportunity - we should take it.

You no dey see?
Sometimes our answered prayers are just there around us.  Like Haggai saw the well after she had cried out to God, afraid that her baby will die of hunger and thirst (Genesis 21:14-21). Like Abraham saw the ram caught up in its horns after which he was stopped from sacrificing his son Isaac (Genesis 22:12-14). And that’s how we should see.

You no dey recognize?
It is one thing to see and it is another to recognize. The children of Israel saw Jesus and his ways but majority of them still doubted in their hearts that he was the messiah. Like the children of Israel some of us see the answer to our prayers and but still don’t recognize; even though our hearts burn, even if it tallies with what God had said. Maybe it is because it appears too good to be true, may be we had an idea of what it should like in ours minds or maybe we are just too afraid to embrace and accept that which God has given. But we asked and here it is, right before us.

In this year, we should pray that our eyes be opened to see, our ears be opened to hear, our hearts be opened to receive and that the spirit of God helps us to recognize all that God has given to us.

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